Strange Labyrinth is a quest narrative arguing that we shouldn’t get lost in order to find ourselves, but solely to accept that we are lost in the first place. It is a singular blend of landscape writing, political indignation, cultural history and wit from a startling new voice in non-fiction.
2 October 2017
7.30pm - 9pm
£5 (Advance Tickets)
Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, London, WC1R 4RL
Facebook page
In litter-strewn Epping Forest on the edge of London, might a writer find that magical moment of transcendence? He will certainly discover filthy graffiti and frightening dogs, as well as world-renowned artists and fading celebrities, robbers, lovers, ghosts and poets. But will he find himself? Or a version of himself he might learn something from?
Will Ashon, author of Strange Labyrinth: Outlaws, Poets, Mystics, Murderers and a Coward in London’s Great Forest will be at Conway Hall to discuss his journey out in to the edges of London.
This event is in the Brockway Room which is on the ground floor and is accessible. The room has an induction loop for the hearing impaired.
2 October 2017
7.30pm - 9pm
£5 (Advance Tickets)
Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, London, WC1R 4RLFacebook page
2 October 2017
7.30pm - 9pm
£5 (Advance Tickets)
Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, London, WC1R 4RL
Facebook page
In litter-strewn Epping Forest on the edge of London, might a writer find that magical moment of transcendence? He will certainly discover filthy graffiti and frightening dogs, as well as world-renowned artists and fading celebrities, robbers, lovers, ghosts and poets. But will he find himself? Or a version of himself he might learn something from?
Will Ashon, author of Strange Labyrinth: Outlaws, Poets, Mystics, Murderers and a Coward in London’s Great Forest will be at Conway Hall to discuss his journey out in to the edges of London.
This event is in the Brockway Room which is on the ground floor and is accessible. The room has an induction loop for the hearing impaired.
2 October 2017
7.30pm - 9pm
£5 (Advance Tickets)
Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, London, WC1R 4RLFacebook page
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